Pest Control Blog // Tips & Tricks To Keep Insects & Critters Out Of Your Home & Business

What Do Different Kinds Of Bug Bites Look Like?

29th Sep 2016

Have you ever come inside after a warm fall night and found yourself with mysterious bug bites? Many pests are still around in September. Learn about the most common types of bug bites and how to identify them:

The Most Common Bug Bites: Mosquito Bites

You’ve probably had countless mosquito bites in your life. These pests gather around and breed in standing water, including birdbaths, ponds, puddles and storm drains. Only female mosquitoes bite. They cause itchy red bug bites:

mosquito bite
Mosquitoes inject saliva into your blood when they bite you. Most people are allergic to it, and that’s what causes the itch and bump. Follow us on Facebook for tips to keep mosquitoes out of your yard.

Spider Bites

It seems central Wisconsin has spiders everywhere this time of year! There are about 3,000 types of spiders in North America. Yellow sac spiders account for the most spider bites, according to Pennsylvania State University. These bug bites aren’t painful and don’t cause any medical problems. The bite will look like this:

spider bite

Brown recluse spider bites are dangerous and even fatal in very rare cases. You may feel a small sting and then a sharp pain if you’re bitten. The bite can become painful and start to look like a bruise or a blister four to eight hours later. It later turns crusty and dark like this:

brown recluse spider bite
Symptoms of these bites are fever, chills, itching, nausea and sweating. The NIH National Library of Medicine says some people may have a serious reaction leading to kidney failure, seizure and coma. Fortunately, these spiders aren’t common in Wisconsin, but you should always seek medical attention if you think a poisonous spider may have bitten you.


People usually get ticks when walking in wooded areas, shrubs or tall grasses. You’ll be able to see the tick in your skin like this:

tick bite on patient's skin
A red bullseye rash around the bite (as seen below) is a sign of Lyme disease. Seek medical help immediately if the rash develops. Check out our previous blog for ways to prevent ticks while outdoors.

Bullseye rash symptom of Lyme disease

Bee, Wasp, Hornet and Yellow Jacket Stings

Bee, wasp, hornet and yellow jacket stings are dangerous to people who are allergic to them. The stings usually look like this, and it can cause swelling and itching:

Reaction to bee sting
Get medical help immediately if you are stung and have an allergy. Experts at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology explain that when an insect stings someone with an allergy, the body produces antibodies, which interact with the venom and cause the reaction. WebMD lists trouble breathing, hives, facial swelling, dizziness and rapid pulse as severe allergic reaction symptoms. If you are not allergic, remove the stinger, clean the area and apply ice.

Bedbug Bites

Bedbugs are hitchhikers and spread quickly. These pests bite people when they are sedentary. Bedbugs will feed on their host for five to 10 minutes and then hide for five to 10 days. They don’t transmit diseases, but these bug bites are infectiously itchy! They look like red welts:

Bed bug bites
None of the pests that cause bug bites are pleasant to have around your home. Contact us to treat your home for them.

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