How To Keep Spiders Out Of Car Mirrors
Summer is a popular season for pests. Critters of all shapes and sizes literally crawl out of the woodwork. One particular pest that will come out of hiding is the spider. Spiders have been known to make homes in inconvenient areas, including car mirrors. Here’s how to keep them out:
The first thing you need to do is knock down any webs and clean the area with all-purpose cleaner. Next, coat the area with some kind of spider repellant. Many people go for traditional spider spray, but you can also use a more natural approach by making your own repellent using a mixture that is three parts white vinegar and one part vanilla extract, or any other essential oil of your choice.
If you’re hesitant to put vinegar on your car, you can also try using citrus products. Spiders don’t like the smell of citrus fruits, so you can repel them by rubbing lemon peels around the doors and windows of your vehicle, or even make your own lemon water spray.
These methods can also work to keep spiders out of your home, but if you are experiencing a serious spider infestation, contact an expert from K&C Pest Control by calling (920) 582-9000.